Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mission Green Earth !!!

Mission Green Earth Stand Up Take Action 08 is ONE Combined project ...a SINGLE World Wide Project (AOL-Sri Sri Institute for Agricultural Sciences & Technology And UNMC)

AOL's Take Action is Mission Green Earth (Tree Plantation with Effect from the 16th of July till the 16th October 08) and then We Stand Up on 17th, 18th and 19th October 08 for the global counts on tree plantation and the number of people standing up...our Sankalpa is 100 Million Tree Plantation and 100 Million People Standing Up..

So all... Let us be a part of Guru ji's Mission and Plant as many Trees as we can..
Find Place near your area, and plant Trees ..

for sapling cotact:
Bangalore Ashram.Contact 09448926965 / 080-32950685, 28432965

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