The end of an old year and the herald of a new year is actually nothing out of the blue . If calendars were not invented then probably there would no metrics for time. Did you think about this?
A few years back when I had all the free time in the world for introspection (not that I don’t introspect now !) , the thirty first day of December I would go through a range of feelings and emotions . I would think about all that I did , all that I could have done ,how worse things could have actually been and also would realize that how unknowingly I had been very fortunate.
As usual , I like to discuss the title of my blog post ( which I proudly call an ‘article’).If you are not an aspiring phirangi like my roomie Johann then you would know that I’ve borrowed the title of a famous Kishore Kumar song . Time just flies.
Aanewala pal janewala hai ..
Ho sake toh isme zindagi bitalo..
Pal jo yeh janewala hai………………
People who are always on the go are considered to be dynamic but the fact of life is that such people are escaping themselves by doing so. Osho and many other mystics always say that people do not enjoy being alone ( not lonely!) because they do not understand what lies in the very core of their being. Sometimes I cant decide whether Im alone or lonely.
Happy New Year !
God Bless! .. JGD!
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