Today morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see an email from my HR SPOC, what was it about? ... It was about April fool’s day celebration plan for our company. It was decided that we can give flowers to the people whomsoever we appreciate in our company(or anywhere in Tech M I guess) and flowers would be made available. Other tokens of appreciation like gifts, chocs etc. could also be gifted. The person receiving most flowers would be declared phool of the day.
I must say it is an innovative way to celebrate April fool’s day (though pretty boring). April fool’s day pranks are always memorable, the recent one last year was with my roomie. I loved the way he acted drunk on the phone and called a female friend to tell her that he is madly in love with her, the aspiring director made a great job with the Devdas aka Bevdas act. The next day when he called her she very cutely reprimanded him saying he should not be calling her when he is drunk which was followed by a great belly laughter by our roomies. The image of Rajdeep laughing is etched in my mind.
However, the best April fool’s prank at whose receiving end I found myself was played on me by my cable operator. I had finished my boards on 31st March and as is the case when answering exams I did not really remember the date. I was watching the late night TV shows and suddenly the cable guys flashed a message that they would be showing a naughty movie at midnight. This was really welcome after the examination stress ( not that male lust hibernates during exam days, in fact the opposite is true at times). I waited eagerly to see it, only to be greeted by the message that I am an April fool L ..BAKRA!!
Nowadays, the stress is on commercializing all these events rather then making them eventful in the real sense. Valentine’s day was not more than a card and chocolates two decades back but now things are very different. Coming from a business family, I am all for commercialization.Giving flowers is not really mushy any more. WHY? ...I can imagine a disgruntled employee handing over a rose to his boss while slowly grumbling an inaudible ‘get well soon’… LOL!... If the guy at the receiving end does manage to step down the pedestal, he may realize or maybe that is not possible. However, the sarcasm or gandhigiri is not to be restricted to the senior-subordinate equation, it could well be extended to the cubicle jungle. The fairer species loves chocolates, give a chocolate to someone arrogant .. “something small , hope it makes you sweet” , it better be inaudible or audible with a time delay ( Post graduation making me a geek!).
The good news is we can still be bad on this day .. Happy April fool’s day!
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